Career Pathways at GHS
Career Pathways are clusters of career areas grouped together because the people in them share similar interests, strengths and skills. A Career Pathways program offers students an Personal Learning Plan based on their personal interests, talents, abilities and desired level of education. It treats each student as an individual, and encourages all students to achieve their personal and career goals. A Career Pathway offers students a way to discover the relevance of their selected school courses to actual occupations, and allows flexibility and informed choices in the career decision-making process.
The Nebraska Department of Education outlines six pathways and all are offered at Gering High School. Career Pathways align with exploration classes at Gering Junior High, as well. Parents are encouraged to talk with their children through Junior High prior to choosing a Pathway. For more information on this process please contact any GJHS or GHS counselor.

Work-Based Learning
In addition to Career Pathways, Gering High School students have the opportunity to earn high school credit while exploring business and industry. Junior and Seniors can complete an internship/job shadow/apprenticeship and take classroom learning to the next step and expand that into work-based education. This continues to be an area of exponential growth as area employers parter to build skillsets of students and expand soft skills, as well.